Looking for a band with great a vocalist and top musicians? Looking for the exact configuration your venue or event requires?
Mary Ann Palermo & First Take is, in its core configuration, a six-piece band with a focus on jazz, blues, and original songs written by various members of the band. The band is fun, professional, and unique—six-piece bands are few and far between these days, and bands that incorporate cello even more so. Whether you are a large music venue, a festival, or a private event, Mary Ann Palermo & First Take is a great choice. Work with us to get the optimal band configuration that can range from duos and three-piece arrangements, to quartets and quintets or the full band. With our Mary Ann Palermo & First Take associates, we can even field a larger band than our core offering, and our genre capabilities range beyond just Jazz and Blues and includes R&B, Funk, and, yes, Rock ‘n Roll!
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